Monday, June 27, 2011

Dream on...

"They all say that I'm a dreamer...."

-- Sir John Lennon ( He was never knighted or anything, but I just think it's polite)

Editors note: one time, john lennon was caught up in an intense legal dispute concerning money and royalties. The court case dragged on and on and turned bitter and spiteful. 
Reacting to the bad blood and foul play fueled by the greedful love of money, a reporter asked, "Whatever happened to 

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

John then curtly responded, 

"It's just a song mate."

Take that as you will. Seacrest out. 

Since the inception of "Inception," dreams have become ALL the craze.  

Everyone is literally doing it.

That's why showers have lately got my goat. I know right?  You probably just took one this morning. (If you didn't that's okay. You're in "Judge Free Zone."....and I can't smell you while typing.")

But if you're anything like me,  the memory of what you were dreaming last night washed down the drain along with all those microscopic germs that your mother warned you about. 

That's why kids got it right.  They avoid taking baths like Matthew McConaughey avoids his shirt.  Why?  Well, as menacing as Mr. Bubbles can appear in the morning, I'm pretty sure that he's not the reason.

Rather, I believe kids shriek out like the "Home Alone" kid at the mere sight of the bathtub because they know with one little splish-splash there childhood dreams will be gone before they even begin.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that, in life, when "The Man" wants you to take the proverbial "shower,"......

Follow this kid's example, and dream on........

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