Monday, August 8, 2011

Blogging: Sunday Edition

In Relief Society we have this thing called, "Tender Mercies Moment" we also have at least 3 other "sharing moments," but this is the most important one because it's what we do first and it always involves the most oohing, aahing, and general gasping of all the females in the room. I told Adam about this and introduced him to the idea and we thought we could do the same for our blog.  We hope that it causes you to ooh, aah, and gasp in happiness at the the amazing things we find to be grateful for each week. 

Things we are grateful for this week

1. Adam is alive.  More details to come but let's just say Adam could be mistaken for the "Boy who lived"..... (TEASER ALERT!!)
2. Shark week has changed us for the better.....
3. Jodi turned another year older.....well, almost....
4. Having a place to live..... well, for the next four days
5.  Work.... ( Sometimes if I say things enough it comes true.  Love my work, love my work, love my work...)
6. Gentry really, really, really remembers his girlfriend's birthday.
7. Mothers and the way they supports us (shout out Mommy Gina and Mama Chris)
8...... ellipsis. Gosh I love them..........
9.  The red line that appears when you misspell a ellipsis.....
10.  All 15 followers and how they tell their friends:) hint, hint ;)
11. Gentry's secret love of Dashboard
12. Amanda's secret life
13. The fact that it's impossible to not smile after watching the Snicker Serenade....

14. Tim's Mad Interpretive Sign Language Skills
15. MONDAYS(Since it's technically a Monday now.......................)


  1. I laughed at you when I read "ellipsis," then I laughed harder about the next line... Then I read number 14 and remembered I need to remove my name from the talent show list...

  2. Relief Society sounds so much fun compared to Elders Quorum.
