Sunday, July 17, 2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GENTRY...and other stuff.

We love you because you play the guitar and sing awesome songs that occasionally top Flight of the Concords.
We were going to come up with a long, long list but decided that's really the only reason we care about you. Entertainment value.

Thanks for following. You are the second most loyal person to this blog after Mama Gina.
For those of you who are trying to decide whether to follow our blog or not here are some reasons to do so:

1. Get a blog post dedicated to you on your birthday, like the one featured above.

2. You will always be our top priority, well besides blogging because posting is always our number one priority in life.

3. If you are within the first 50 followers you will receive a special present from Adam and I. It will be worth a couple of clicks.

4. You automatically become more attractive, popular, and more like us by following this blog. Automatically. Plus if you read our blog every day you will have a photographic memory in 3 years.

5. Reading this blog is a wholesome recreational activity, and therefore worth your time.

P.S. This post was not subtle was blatant.


  1. You better not forget my birthday because that is the only reason I decided to follow you!

  2. I can't wait for my special present from you guys.
